Horse Ice lollies

11th Aug 2022

Horse Ice lollies

With this current crazy heat rise, we have been thinking of ways to help keep our horses cooler; I have been experimenting with Ice lollies/" ice Creams."

First up, I tried Banana based "Ice Cream."

Horse Ice 'cream.'

Banana & oats.

Ingredients (to make approx. one container) : 

  • 1.5 bananas
  • Handful of oats
  • 2 cups of Water
  • A mixture of berries (we used Blackberries.) 

Blend the Banana, oats, and Water in a blender; add more Water if it needs more liquid. Pour this into your container/Tupper wear. Add the berries.

Leave in the freezer for about 12 hours.

Fussy ponies might not be a fan, as Rebel wouldn't eat this one; I don't think he's a fan of bananas. Peter, however, very much enjoyed it!

Horse Ice 'Lollies"


  • 1 cup of very strong Peppermint tea
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • 1/2 cup of Apple juice
  • 2 cups of Water 

Start by making your peppermint tea. Cut up your apples, watermelon & carrots. Place these in your containers Mix the apple juice, Water, and tea, then pour this into a mixing jug & pour into your containers. Freeze for 12 hours or until fully frozen. Rebel enjoyed this one! And is his firm favourite.

Enjoy & stay cool in this heat!

Do you have any other recipes that might be worth us trying? #coolhorsesocks